Extra Steak with a side of Mayonaisse

Content Warning: This page has SEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Last image has BLOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!! and unfitting music!!!!!!!!!?!?!?!?!!?!

The very first piece of erotic art I ever finished! It's... actually ok, huh? I worked just as hard on the background. Atmosphere is good to have in these pieces.

And THIS... is probably the first piece of Monster Crown r34. Had I not commissioned someone, I'm pretty sure I'd be the only artist to ever make things like this.

I kind of like to shift towards on-model with my own touches, but I found that hard to do with Animal Crossing characters, so this looks a bit awkward to me. i'm considering drawing more of them as ferals instead.

My picture of Sprinkle came out a bit better than Blaire. Hey, I haven't seen much use of anal beads with cloacas! Let's change that...

This was made with... Photoshop, I think? I don't remember what I used to color the sketch though. One thing I do know is that I am definitely, one hundred percent the only person on earth who has (publicly) posted Crystal Monsters porn.

Yes, I drew THREE images of this prompt actually. This was the first one, did not like it that much.